Tabulations, Awards, and Recommendations

The City of Phoenix is committed to the principles of open competition and fairness for the procurement of goods and services. Working with customers, the City strives to ensure that our community receives the best value for the tax dollars that are expended.

The following is information about the results of recent solicitations.

For a list of open formal solicitations for goods, services, and construction, visit the Solicitations web page.

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Showing 251 - 271 of 271

Number Title NIGP
RFP-25-MSD0497 Property Management Services for the City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center 971-45
RFP-CED23-SSR Second Street Near Roosevelt Parcel Disposition and Redevelopment 961-28
RFP-LAW-23-0081-1 Domestic Violence Diversion Program, Positive Alternative Diversion Program, And Cognitive Skills Diversion Program 952-23
RFQ 2014-01MCINT Court Interpreting and Translation Services 961-46
RFQ FY24-05-09 (MBT) Loan Services (Real Estate) Housing 946-00
RFQu 21-LAW-003 Investigation Services 918-74
RFQu 24-0393 Mediator Pool 961-05
RFQu 24-0419 Arbitrage Consulting Services 946-30
RFQu21-018 Title, Escrow, and Title Insurance For Citywide Projects 946-46
RFQu21-123 Appraisal Services for Citywide and/or Public Transit Projects 946-15
RFQu21-FINTD-001 Financial Advisory Services (including Development Impact Fee Program Support) 946-48
RFQu23-FINTD-001 Underwriting Services 918-49
RFQu23-FINTD-002 Underwriting Services 946-30
RFQu-24-CSID-0444 Eviction Legal Services 961-49
RFQu-24-CSID-0445 Eviction Legal Services 961-49
RFQU-24-CSSD-0278 Senior Services Entertainers and Instructors 924-41
RFQu-24-CSSD-0352 Production Kitchen Equipment 165-00
RFQu-24-HSD-79 Arts, Education and Recreation Supplies and Equipment 785-00
RFQu-24-HSD-80 Early Head Start Early Childhood Education Services 952-51
RFQu-LAW-23-0084 Outside Counsel Services 961-49