Tabulations, Awards, and Recommendations

The City of Phoenix is committed to the principles of open competition and fairness for the procurement of goods and services. Working with customers, the City strives to ensure that our community receives the best value for the tax dollars that are expended.

The following is information about the results of recent solicitations.

For a list of open formal solicitations for goods, services, and construction, visit the Solicitations web page.

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Showing 176 - 200 of 212

Number Title NIGP
6000001486 Scenario 3B Transmission Main Rehabilitation Construction Manager at Risk - WS85507008 912-00
6000001492 Water Service Line Replacement Job Order Contract 4108JOC220 - VARIOUS 912-00
6000001497 Large Valve Repair and Replacement Job Order Contract - 4108JOC218 912-00
6000001501 Northwest Wastewater Master Plan Package 4B 51st Avenue Gravity Sewer - Design Bid Build - WS90500307 912-00
6000001480 SROG Glendale Metering Station - GL02 Relocation Engineering Services - WS90160098 925-00
6000001483 Cast Iron Water Transmission Main Replacement - WS85508004-2 925-00
6000001484 ARC Flash Analysis, Electrical Design & Inspection Svcs for Water Remote Facilites / Engineering Svc - WS85400011 925-00
6000001488 Lift Station 42 Upgrades Construction Administration and Inspection Services - WS90400101 925-00
6000001490 Water Pipeline Emergency Repair and Replacement Job Order Contract 4108JOC217 - WS85500346 912-00
6000001526 Large Diameter Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Job Order Contract - 4108JOC228 912-00
6000001528 16-Inch Paradise Valley Zone 3C Improvements Construction Administration & Inspections Services - WS85500418 925-00
6000001498 Lift Station 80 Verdin Construction Administration and Inspection Services - WS90400102 925-00
6000001508 SROG Salt RIver Outfall Condition Assessment - WS90160106 925-00
6000001521 23rd Ave. WWTP and Lift Stations EIC Inspection and Testing Services - WS90200037 925-00
6000001519 Sweetwater Avenue Sewer Relief - Engineering Services - WS90500317 925-00
6000001437 Val Vista Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation 2023 Engineering Services - WS85230059 925-00
6000001438 Val Vista Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation 2023 CMAR Services - WS85230059 912-00
6000001433 Lift Station 66 Refurbishment Design-Bid-Build - WS90400084 912-00
6000001434 Wastewater Collection System Emergency Repair and Replacement Program / Engineering Services - WS90500232 925-00
6000001462 Groundwater Well Program Job Order Contract - 4108JOC224 912-00
6000001466 Wastewater Collection System Emergency Repair and Replacement Program - 4108JOC222 912-00
6000001584 2017 PVC Lined Concrete Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation - Design Bid Build - WS90500272 912-00
6000001576 Galvanized Water Service Line Replacements - Engineering Services - WS85504004 (WIFA) 925-00
6000001582 Advanced Water Purification Feasibility Study / Professional Services - WS85700103 AND WS90700059 925-00