Tabulations, Awards, and Recommendations

The City of Phoenix is committed to the principles of open competition and fairness for the procurement of goods and services. Working with customers, the City strives to ensure that our community receives the best value for the tax dollars that are expended.

The following is information about the results of recent solicitations.

For a list of open formal solicitations for goods, services, and construction, visit the Solicitations web page.

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Showing 176 - 200 of 257

Number Title NIGP
6000001635 *Canceled REBID in Process* 7th Street Fiber Transportation Enhancement Design-Bid-Build - ST89340660 912-00
IFB 25-SWDD-025 Maintenance And Repair Of Truck, Cylinder, And Other Industry 938-79
IFB-24-0403 Pesticides and Herbicides 675-00
RFP PS-24-0310 Actuarial Services for MERP, LTD and Sick Leave Benefits 946-12
PTD24-007 Security Guard Services 990-46
6000001651 64th Street Reservoir #2 (1-ES1-2) Liner Replacement Construction Manager at Risk - WS85050019 912-00
6000001660 Lift Station 43 Force Main Rehabilitation Construction Manager at Risk - WS90501000 912-00
RFP PS 24-0311 Long Term Disability Program Clinical Consulting Services 948-74
AVN RCS 24-0207 Terminal 4 Lobby Retail Concession 905-35
RFP GGS- 24-0341 Custodial Services (Police Department) 910-39
6000001653 North Mountian Park Renovation Engineering Services - PA75200612 925-00
RFP-24-0371 Various Satellite Phone Services 838-81
RFP FY25-086-04 (TL) Residential Moving Services 962-56
6000001598 Intelligent Transportation Systems and Traffic Engineering Support On-Call Services - N/A 925-00
6000001599 Traffic Engineering and Design Support On-Call Services - N/A 925-00
IFB-2425-WPC-638 Programmable Logic Controllers and Parts 205-24
RFP FY25-086-2 (DRW) Property Management Services for Affordable Housing Portfolio - Group B 958-78
6000001661 Lift Station and Odor Control Program Manager Professional Services - WS90400023 AND WS90400090 925-00
6000001648 Force Main Program Manager Professional Services - WS90501000 925-00
IFB-24-0329 Citywide Spray Paint and Painting Supplies 630-00
RFP 24-0435 COBRA Administration Services 918-40
IFB-2425-WDD-660 Debris Caps 659-06
IFB-2425-WPP-661 Gaskets and O' Rings 815-23
6000001652 Citywide 12 Locations FY 2021 Federal TAP HAWK Installation Design-Bid-Build-Canceled will REBID - ST89330268 912-00