Tabulations, Awards, and Recommendations

The City of Phoenix is committed to the principles of open competition and fairness for the procurement of goods and services. Working with customers, the City strives to ensure that our community receives the best value for the tax dollars that are expended.

The following is information about the results of recent solicitations.

For a list of open formal solicitations for goods, services, and construction, visit the Solicitations web page.

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Showing 201 - 225 of 226

Number Title NIGP
IFB 63-2323 Traffic Signal Mounting Brackets 550-85
PKS-RFP24-TJ02 Trailhead Janitorial Services 910-39
RTM RFQ 24-001 Training Consultant Services 918-38
AVN IFB 24-0335 Trilogy and Electronic Locks Preventative Maintenance, Parts, and Services 910-48
RFQu23-FINTD-001 Underwriting Services 918-49
RFQu23-FINTD-002 Underwriting Services 946-30
6000001583 Val Vista and Lake Pleasant WTP, EI&C Systems Inspection and Testing Services/Engineering Services - WS85230023 & WS85350010 925-00
6000001510 Val Vista Transmision Main Rehabilitation - Construction Administration and Inspection - WS85500439 925-00
6000001509 Val Vista Transmision Main Rehabilitation - Construction Manager at Risk - WS85500439 912-00
6000001438 Val Vista Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation 2023 CMAR Services - WS85230059 912-00
6000001437 Val Vista Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation 2023 Engineering Services - WS85230059 925-00
6000001504 Val Vista Water Treatment Reservoir 3 Major Rehabilitation - Engineering Services - WS85050019 925-00
RFP-24-0371 Various Satellite Phone Services 838-81
IFB-24-0351 Vehicle Rental Services 962-89
6000001466 Wastewater Collection System Emergency Repair and Replacement Program - 4108JOC222 912-00
6000001434 Wastewater Collection System Emergency Repair and Replacement Program / Engineering Services - WS90500232 925-00
6000001574 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Process Improvements JOC - JOC230 912-00
6000001620 Water & Wastewater Technical Assistance for Developments On-Call Services - WS85500466 & WS90500319 925-00
RFP22-FINTD-001 Water and Wastewater System Revolving Credit Facilities 946-25
6000001490 Water Pipeline Emergency Repair and Replacement Job Order Contract 4108JOC217 - WS85500346 912-00
6000001605 Water Remotes Engineering On-Call Services - VARIOUS 925-00
6000001492 Water Service Line Replacement Job Order Contract 4108JOC220 - VARIOUS 912-00
6000001512 Water Treatment Plant General Construction Job Order Contract - 4108JOC226 912-00
6000001485 Water Treatment Plants Job Order Contract Engineering Support Services - WS85400001, WS85230054, WS8535 925-00