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Water Pipeline Emergency Repair and Replacement Job Order Contract 4108JOC217 - WS85500346

Solicitation Details


Water Services

Julie Smith

10/26/2023 11:00 AM

11/17/2023 12:00 PM

Award Notice


Additional Information

The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contractor to do business on an on-call basis. The principal work requirements will be to excavate and expose water pipelines ranging in size from 2 inches up to 108 inches in diameter and mechanisms, assess repair work needed, prepare the site for repairs, perform a variety of repairs to pipelines and operator mechanisms, backfill and compact, and perform final street pavement restoration to provide repair, replacement, and assessments of potable water service lines for the Water Pipeline Emergency Repair and Replacement Job Order Contracting Services. One contractor will be selected for this Job Order Contract based on the City’s workload.