Updated: 05/02/2024 9:59 AM
Street Transportation
03/22/2024 12:00 PM
Award Notice
The City of Phoenix Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments (COP) are seeking firms to establish a Qualified Vendor List (QVL) to provide support services for the planning and implementation of the Transportation 2050 (T2050) Multi-Modal Transportation Program. AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM) is the Program Manager (PM) providing a wide variety of services to support COP staff in the planning, programming and implementation of the T2050 program. AECOM will provide up to a maximum of 60 percent of the required staff and services under the PM agreement if it is in the best interest of the City. The balance of the staff and services provided by the PM under the agreement shall be provided through a QVL selection process. The QVL will be created, managed, and administered by the PM, with the assistance of and coordination with COP staff. The PM will utilize the QVL to provide subconsulting opportunities through a City-approved subconsultant selection process. Selected subconsultants for the QVL will contract directly with the PM as the need for services is identified. The COP, in collaboration with the PM, will make qualifications-based selections from the QVL when services are required.