The City of Phoenix is committed to the principles of open competition and fairness for the procurement of goods and services. Working with customers, the City strives to ensure that our community receives the best value for the tax dollars that are expended.
The following is information about the results of recent solicitations.
For a list of open formal solicitations for goods, services, and construction, visit the Solicitations web page.
Showing 126 - 150 of 246
Number | Title | Status | NIGP | |
IFB-2425-WDD-660 | Debris Caps | Pending Council Approval | 659-06 | 27 |
IFB-2425-WPP-661 | Gaskets and O' Rings | Pending Council Approval | 815-23 | 27 |
IFB-2425-WDD-662 | Small Engine Repairs and Maintenance | Pending Council Approval | 936-40 | 27 |
IFB-2425-WPC-666 | Fluke Versiv Professional Kit Analyzers, Gold Support Plan, and Accessories | Pending Council Approval | 992-55 | 27 |
RFQu-LAW-23-0084 | Outside Counsel Services | Recommendation | 961-49 | 9 |
RFQu 21-LAW-003 | Investigation Services | Recommendation | 918-74 | 9 |
6000001433 | Lift Station 66 Refurbishment Design-Bid-Build - WS90400084 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001509 | Val Vista Transmision Main Rehabilitation - Construction Manager at Risk - WS85500439 | Recommendation | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001510 | Val Vista Transmision Main Rehabilitation - Construction Administration and Inspection - WS85500439 | Recommendation | 925-00 | 20 |
6000001492 | Water Service Line Replacement Job Order Contract 4108JOC220 - VARIOUS | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001501 | Northwest Wastewater Master Plan Package 4B 51st Avenue Gravity Sewer - Design Bid Build - WS90500307 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001490 | Water Pipeline Emergency Repair and Replacement Job Order Contract 4108JOC217 - WS85500346 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001511 | Lift Station 76 Phase II Expansion - Design Bid Build - WS90400067 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001584 | 2017 PVC Lined Concrete Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation - Design Bid Build - WS90500272 | Pending Council Approval | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001594 | Innovation 27 Workforce Training and Education Collaborative 2-Step Construction Manager at Risk - ED20000008 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001593 | Glenrosa Fleet Shop Replacement - Engineering Services - PW26700044 | Award Notice | 925-00 | 20 |
6000001556 | Cathodic Protection System - Professional Services - WS85500463 | Pending Council Approval | 925-00 | 20 |
6000001555 | Cathodic Protection Rehabilitation and Replacement Job Order Contract JOC229 - WS85500463 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001575 | 35th Avenue and Camelback Road Relief Sewer - Design Bid Build - WS90500303 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001567 | Large Diameter Sanitary Sewer Rehab Grade 5 & 4 Manholes - North - Zones 3 & 4 DBB - WS90500273 | Award Notice | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001504 | Val Vista Water Treatment Reservoir 3 Major Rehabilitation - Engineering Services - WS85050019 | Pending Council Approval | 925-00 | 20 |
6000001520 | Pavement Restoration Construction Administration and Inspection Services - 8423600000 | Recommendation | 925-00 | 20 |
6000001605 | Water Remotes Engineering On-Call Services - VARIOUS | Award Notice | 925-00 | 20 |
6000001646 | ENERGY SAVINGS PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING SERVICES - 2600000003 | Pending Review | 925-00 | 20 |