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Phoenix Municipal Court Sanitary Waste, Vent, and Storm Drain Piping System Replacement CMAR - PW26700051

Solicitation Details


Public Works

Heather Roye

03/05/2024 9:00 AM

03/15/2024 12:00 PM

Pending Council Approval


Additional Information

The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contractor to provide preconstruction services and complete construction services for the Phoenix Municipal Court Sanitary Sewer, Vent, and Storm Drain Piping System Replacement Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) project. There will be replacement of approximately 9,970 linear feet of cast iron sanitary waste and vent piping, and approximately 465 linear feet of storm pipe. The selected CMAR will work as a team with the designer of record and City staff to ensure an efficient design approach for the project. Phoenix Municipal Court is located at 300 W. Washington Street. The estimated construction cost is $11.5 million.