Updated: 09/10/2024 11:14 AM
Street Transportation
07/01/2024 1:00 PM
07/12/2024 12:00 PM
Award Notice
The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified consultant team to provide engineering services for the development of a Speed Limit Setting Study, that will supplement the City’s Vision Zero – Road Safety Action Plan (RSAP). The link provided has the report for the City’s Road Safety Action Plan-Vision Zero web page: Street Transportation Road Safety Action Plan (phoenix.gov) and Road Safety Action Plan-Vision Zero document Vision_Zero_Road_Safety_Action_Plan.pdf (phoenix.gov), specifically, General Strategy GN03E of the RSAP regarding vehicle speed limits. Services may include research, data collection, data analysis, programming, procedure development, implementation requirements, public involvement. The estimated cost of the project is $225,000.