Purchase and Development of 1305 & 1410 W. Polk Street, Phoenix

Solicitation Details


Neighborhood Services

Christina Edwards

10/08/2024 11:00 AM

12/13/2024 2:00 PM

Pending Review

961-28 - Economic Development,Domestic and Foreign

Additional Information

The City of Phoenix (City), through its Neighborhood Services Department (NSD), invites electronic proposals for the purchase and development of two vacant parcels found in the Oakland Historic District located at 1305 W Polk Street and 1410 W Polk Street (Lot(s)). A Site Map is included in this RFP as Attachment F. This RFP seeks market-viable development proposals that: 1) make the best use of the Lots; 2) are consistent with the Housing Phoenix Plan, General Plan, historic overlay, zoning codes and all other applicable codes, regulations, and guidelines; and 3) is compatible with the historic neighborhood in scale, design, materials, and appearance. By inviting this disposition, the City seeks to continue the revitalization and strengthening of the community within the Downtown area and Central City Village by eliminating blight, developing vacant land, reactivating property, preservation of historic neighborhoods, creating quality affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households and sustainable homeownership opportunities. Residential development is being re-initiated through the RFP process to facilitate the sale and compatible infill development of land.