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Solicitation Details


Street Transportation

Annette Perez

04/02/2025 2:00 PM


Additional Information

The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contractor to provide construction services for the project. The City of Phoenix is proposing the installation of 3.9 miles of fiber optic infrastructure and associated Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) devices along Deer Valley Road, from 7th Avenue to 7th Street, and along 7th Street, from Deer Valley Road to Paradise Lane. The 7th Street Fiber Transportation Enhancement Project - Phase 1 will extend the City's real-time transportation management capability along key roadway corridors in the City and provide a Layer 3 switch to serve as a fiber node facility in the northern part of the City. This enables more reliable network routing for City ITS devices in the area, consistent with the applications being submitted in September 2019 for funding through the Maricopa Association of Governments System Management and Operations program. This project will utilize federal funds and is subject to the requirements of 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 and the U.S. Department of Transportation DBE Program. A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal of 4.19% has been established for this project.

Associated Files

Firms must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) electronically through the ProcurePHX online portal at:
Firms must submit Title 34 Design-Bid-Build bid responses in person at 200 W. Washington Street, 5th Floor.

NOTE: The City of Phoenix will NOT accept responses submitted after the Date and Time stated in the Solicitation, nor will the City of Phoenix accept responses submitted by fax or e-mail.

PLEASE NOTE: If you download a Solicitation, you also need to download all current addenda that may have been issued since the original document was posted. It is the Bidder's responsibility to ensure that they have all addenda prior to submitting their offer.​