The City of Phoenix is committed to the principles of open competition and fairness for the procurement of goods and services. Working with customers, the City strives to ensure that our community receives the best value for the tax dollars that are expended.
The following is information about the results of recent solicitations.
For a list of open formal solicitations for goods, services, and construction, visit the Solicitations web page.
Showing 151 - 175 of 271
Number | Title | Status | NIGP | |
6000001720 | Wastewater Facilities General Improvements Job Order Contract - JOC238 | Pending Review | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001722 | Well 6A-W319, Booster Pump Station 8A-B3 and Pressure Reducing Valve Station 6A-R2 CMAR - WS85010045 | Pending Review | 912-00 | 20 |
6000001728 | Fire Station No. 7 - Architectural Services - FD57100030 | Pending Review | 906-00 | 20 |
ART-RFQu-07-2024 PSHIA T3 North Concourse | PSHIA Terminal 3 North Concourse Public Art Projects | Pending Review | 052-00 | 14 |
ART-RFQu-09-2024 | Dobbins Road Improvement Public Art Project | Pending Review | 052-00 | 14 |
AVN IFB 24-0416 | AIRFIELD LIGHTING REPLACEMENT PARTS | Tabulation | 035-00 | 21 |
AVN IFB 25-0611 | AIRFIELD LIGHTING REPLACEMENT PARTS | Tabulation | 035-00 | 21 |
AVN RCS 24-001 | Childcare Services at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport | Pending Council Approval | 958-22 | 21 |
AVN RCS 24-0207 | Terminal 4 Lobby Retail Concession | Pending Council Approval | 905-35 | 21 |
AVN RFP 24-0006 | Public Address System Replacement | Tabulation | 803-61 | 21 |
AVN RFP 24-0156 | Baggage Handling Systems – Operations, Maintenance, Repair, and Controls System Design, Programming, and Integration Services | Pending Council Approval | 909-11 | 21 |
AVN RFP 24-0181 | IT Staffing Services | Pending Council Approval | 962-69 | 21 |
AVN RFP 24-0328 | Jet Fuel Remediation and Technical Dispute Environmental Consulting Services | Tabulation | 918-43 | 21 |
CFI FY24-086-1 | Proposals of Acquisition/Rehabilitation or New Construction of Affordable Rental Housing | Recommendation | 952-55 | 29 |
IFB 2425-WAD-648 | Landscape Maintenance Services | Pending Council Approval | 988-36 | 27 |
IFB 24-FMD-038 | Chiller Maintenance and Repair Services | Award Notice | 910-36 | 23 |
IFB 24-FMD-042 | Evaporative Cooler Maintenance and Repair | Award Notice | 910-36 | 23 |
IFB 25-0484 | Fitness Equipment Maintenance and Repairs | Recommendation | 931-11 | 40 |
IFB 25-0489 | IFB 25-0489 Bicycle, Parts and Accessories, including Repair and Maintenance Services | Recommendation | 805-34 | 35 |
IFB 25-0496 | Non-Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Disposal Services | Tabulation | 988-46 | 33 |
IFB 25-0503 | Window Covering Services and Materials | Canceled | 870-70 | 33 |
IFB 25-0514 | Interceptor, Grease Trap and Dry Well Pumping Services | Tabulation | 913-81 | 33 |
IFB 25-FMD-033 | Kitchen Hood Systems Maintenance and Repair | Pending Council Approval | 936-33 | 23 |
IFB 25-FSD-031 | Emergency Medical Services and Fire Equipment Accessories and Parts | Recommendation | 060-66 | 23 |