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*Canceled REBID in Process* 7th Street Fiber Transportation Enhancement Design-Bid-Build - ST89340660

Solicitation Details


Street Transportation

Kathleen Kennedy

09/03/2024 10:00 AM

09/17/2024 2:00 PM

Pending Review


Additional Information

The City of Phoenix is seeking a qualified contractor to provide construction services for the project listed below. The City of Phoenix is proposing the installation of 3.9 miles of fiber optic infrastructure and associated Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) devices along Deer Valley Road, from 7th Avenue to 7th Street, and along 7th Street, from Deer Valley Road to Paradise Lane. The 7th Street Fiber Transportation Enhancement Project – Phase 1 will extend the City’s real-time transportation management capability along key roadway corridors in the City and provide a Layer 3 switch to serve as a fiber node facility in the northern part of the City. This enables more reliable network routing for City ITS devices in the area, consistent with the applications being submitted in September 2019 for funding through the Maricopa Association of Governments System Management and Operations program. The 7th Street project begins by connecting to the existing City fiber north of the intersection of 7th Avenue and Deer Valley Road. The project will provide infrastructure for the City of Phoenix to connect to the traffic signal at 7th Avenue and Deer Valley Road and travel east along Deer Valley Road using existing conduit to connect to a new pull box halfway between Central Avenue and 7th Street that will create a new connection point along existing City conduit infrastructure. New conduit infrastructure will be installed east from that new pull box to the intersection of 7th Street and Deer Valley Road. New cabinet will be installed near the northwest corner of the 7th Street and Deer Valley Road intersection and provide infrastructure for a fiber connection to the traffic signal in the southwest corner. New conduit and fiber infrastructure will travel south along 7th Street and to cross the State Route 101L (commonly referred to as Loop 101) freeway. The conduit and fiber infrastructure (Cable and pull boxes) will continue south along 7th Street to provide a node connection (pull box #9) to each of the traffic signals along the corridor ending at the traffic signal at the 7th Street and Paradise Lane. This project will utilize federal funds and is subject to the requirements of 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 and the U.S. Department of Transportation DBE Program.